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The Government User Group (GUG) provides an exciting gathering place for Hyland public sector and non-profit users. It gives us a showcase to demonstrate how we use Hyland technologies, allows us to develop dynamic professional networks that facilitate collaboration and growth, and provides insider access to Hyland news and updates. GUG is active throughout the year with bi-monthly webinars, found right here on the third Tuesday, and a specialized GUG track of presentations and networking opportunities at Hyland's annual CommunityLive conference. We are always open to new ideas and activities.
To be one of the world’s most dynamic and valuable user forums for public sector content services and IT workers.
We aim to inspire public sector organizations to design, develop, and share world-class document and process solutions using the Hyland technology stack.
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Joseph Grabowski
Att. General, Florida, Director of Membership Office of the Attorney General, State of Florida
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